A Plastic Strong Crusher Is Noisy, How To Reduce The Noise?

A Plastic Strong Crusher Is Noisy, How To Reduce The Noise?

Summary:  If the noise of the plastic strong crusher is uniform, everything is normal. According to the diff...

  If the noise of the plastic strong crusher is uniform, everything is normal. According to the different materials, the noise is different. If there is abnormal noise, you should check whether the angle of the pulley is reversed. The grinder motor has high power and loud sound. Check the axial force of the internal motor rotor and whether the pulley is loose and elongated.

  There are also 2 reasons:

  First, the double-sided rolling bearing is damaged and must be disassembled. The second is that the hammer is damaged and the centripetal force is inconsistent, which causes the equipment to vibrate and the sound is loud.

  2. Whether the equipment is running around and the vibration is strong, it must be considered that the bottom end is fixed with galvanized. Some people also say that it is not advisable to use a lifting object to press it, it is not advisable to wrap it with a mattress, and the equipment must dissipate heat. It is recommended to put it in a professional anechoic room.

  Noise reduction is nothing but noise reduction and sound absorption. They are all upgrades and transformations of the office environment of the shredder. For example, home improvement ceilings, soundproof panels, and soundproof covers.

  However, there is no fundamental solution to the problem in this category either.

  Therefore, when choosing a strong crusher, try to choose the silent mode as much as possible. The blade room silent grinder with a true double-layer sound insulation design.